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Trust Valley Launch Event – 08.10.20 | 8:30 - 18:00

The Trust Valley is pleased to invite you ONLINE ON OCTOBER 8th for the official launch event.


Digital trust and cybersecurity: one day, two highlights 

MORNING (8.30 am - 12.30 pm): TRUST VALLEY 

The Trust Valley presented by its partners in the post-COVID era19. Testimonials of entrepreneurial success stories in the company of the Trust Valley's public, private and academic partners.


Welcome from the authorities (15 min)

With Minister Philippe Leuba (State of Vaud) and Minister Pierre Maudet (State of Geneva)


A centre of academic excellence (15 min)

With Nouria Hernandez (Rector, UNIL), Yves Fluckiger (Rector, UNIGE) and Martin Vetterli (President, EPFL)


Presentation of the Trust Valley (15 min)

By Lennig Pedron (Trust Valley Director)


Panel: Challenges of trust in the post-COVID era (40 min)

With the participation of Catherine Hirsch (General Director, HEIG-VD), Cédric Moret (CEO, ELCA), Yves Flückiger (Rector, UNIGE), Carlos Moreira (CEO, Wisekey), François Abbé-Decarroux General Director, HES-SO Geneva as well as the Directorate General of the Graduate Institute.


Digital trust and cybersecurity - Swiss perspectives (15 min)

By Florian Schütz (Federal Cyber Security Delegate, Competence Centre for Cyber Security, Swiss Confederation)


Dedicated message from Brad Smith (President, Microsoft) (5 min)


Panel: Technology and trust: a "love-hate" relationship (40 min)

With the participation of Nouria Hernandez (Rector, UNIL), Philippe Amon (CEO, SICPA), Martin Vetterli (President, EPFL), Christian Dussey (Ambassador, Director, Geneva Centre for Security Policy) and Stephane Duguin (CEO, Cyber Peace Institute), Patrice Perche (Senior Executive Vice President, Worldwide, Fortinet


Dedicated message from André Kudelski (Kudelski Group) (5 min)


Testimonials: Switzerland - Lake Geneva Region & trust - the success stories (30 min)

With the participation of Joël Winteregg (CEO, NetGuardians), Andy Yen (CEO, Proton Mail) and Cedric Enzler (CEO, eXperts Solutions), Antoine Coetsier (Founder, COO, Exoscale)


Dedicated message from Frankie Ng (CEO SGS) (5 min)


“En Aparté” with Ambassador Nadine Olivieri Lozano (Head of the Division for Security Policy FDFA - Swiss Confederation) and Ambassador Thomas Schneider (Director of international relations, OFCOM - Swiss Confederation) (15 min)


12:30  LUNCH 


AFTERNOON (2.00 pm – 6.00 pm): Launch of the acceleration program TECH4TRUST


Welcome by Trust Valley Team


Announcement of the 20 selected Tech4Trust start-ups out of 47 participants (15 min)

With Raphaël Conz (Deputy Director, Office for Economic Affairs and Innovation, State of Vaud), Nicholas Niggli (Deputy Secretary General, Office of Economic Development, Research and Innovation, State of Geneva)


1st round: pitch start-ups (15 min)
with advisory board members: Guy Escarfail (SGS) and Olivier Crochat (C4DT, EPFL)


Presentation of the members of the Tech4Trust advisory board (30 min)
Vincent Lenders (CYB Armasuisse) and Patrice Perche Fortinet with Jean-Marc Rickli (GCSP)


2nd round: pitch start-ups (15 min)
with advisory boards members: 
Matthieu Verbaere (Head of innovation Lab ELCA) 
and Lajla Aganovic (Swisscom Ventures)


"En Aparté" with Manuel Krieger (Co-founder and CEO, Sygnum Bank) (5 min)

3rd round: Pitch start-ups (15 min)
with advisory board members: Gérard Le Roy (Global IS Director SICPA) and Patrick Ghion (Police Genève, R3C) 


Panel: Alumni Tech4Trust (30 min)

With the participation of Pryv, Access Informer and Next Days Vision, and advisory board members: Yan Borboen (PWC) and Marc Barbezat (Canton de Vaud)


4th round: Pitch start-up (15 min)
with advisory board member: 
Leo Bolchanine (Head of Cybersecurity AdNovum)


5th round: Pitch start-up (15 min)
with advisory board member: Sylvain Pasini (HEIG-VD)


Closing (15 min)

Jean-Philippe Lallement (Managing Director, Foundation EPFL Innovation Park)






About the Trust Valley

The Trust Valley is the centre of expertise in the Lake Geneva region in terms of digital trust and cybersecurity. An alliance for excellence, supported by multiple public, private and academic players.

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